Thursday, December 22, 2016

Spoken opening statements

“After hearing my footsteps, walking in to where the path is no longer visible, I exhale.  I begin to sense the trees dancing in the rustle of the leaves, the silhouettes of glowing light and the darkness breathing.  The trees begin calling me, in different ways and in manners that bypass my logical brain.  Welcomed to come and visit with them, I bring my large format camera.  I contort optics and make long exposure, allowing for more to imprint than what the eye could see…possibly our intimate encounter, possibly what was spoken.

“When we refer to spirits we usually are referring to those who have come before us, and occasionally those who will be birthed by us, but generally we speak of entities with the assumed shared human experience.  The forest world has been densely growing and cycling for longer than we have been walking this earth.  These spirits, these ancient beings, have wisdoms and perspectives rooted from the time of the core of the earth.  And they see through me, they see through us.

"To walk alone into the forest is the first step to being able to hear the speaking.  It is not immediate, but per individual.  The next step is to hear your presence in the forest, the breaking of sticks beneath your feet.  Then you hear and feel your breath in this airspace, that it is different than that outside of the woods.  It will be silent at first, still, while you acclimate.  And then as your mind is relaxed, your face will relax deeply and, as if your eyes open wider, you will see how very much alive the beings that surround you are.

SPOKEN is a body of portraits; recordings of wisdom shared.

On display at CAMIBAart, Austin, TX until January 7th.  Closing will be 1-4 January 7th.

Video by Justin Humphrey

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Our Waters, our bodies, our Mother

Good Morning!

This intention of focusing on the Sacred Water and making this exploration publicly visible brings many things to the foreground. I am searching to represent the templates of spaces that are living in harmonious relationship with our Mother Earth and the Bodies of Water that flow in and outside of her. I am honoring the intimate prayers of communities and individuals to open more hearts and give more access to our internal waters while profoundly connecting with all waters. I am also giving voice to the many peoples who are fighting to protect our waters in a time where social media is the space that truly represents the people while, unfortunately, the mainstream is being censored.

I was able to spend some time connecting in the Yaqui pueblos in Sonora, Mexico. Here is a video of interviews I made with a couple of the women surrounding the waters and sustainable living.

This is not a unique story of sadness for the people and for the waters. These stories are all over the world. On the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota a call has been made for international community support to fight against tunnels for oil being run under the waters. It is an embarrassment how the US government is handling this. But it has also been a great demonstration of people coming together from all nations to speak up for Sacred Waters!  Yesterday we sang, we prayed, we united.

Many Blessings,

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Damian Marley- mainstream ancestral connect

The media outlets have so much power and sometimes it so right on. This video!!!!