Friday, July 2, 2010

World Cup part 3 The Abduction

USA Vs. Algeria and Yos is coming to town. To be honest I will get all into it for the US game with my hometown Man crew and others and because it’s the world cup how can one not?! I will really support our country. But my hearts just not in it like I am for Ghana. I will get a bit up in for Argentina as well. So the crew showed up. Two cars deep, one being a Land Cruiser so packed. I didn’t even see everyone who rode in till after the stadium. Loftis, very different stadium then the glowing one in Cape Town. We sat with maybe 50 kids. The non-profit Chris works with is partners with FIFA to bringing local kids to the matches. Those girls had worked out dances, lots of vuvus as usual and security of removing the people who just would sit down because we were closer than their seats.
As I understand it assigned seating is something new to the area.

Highlight was my bug. Girls ran screaming than when we were wandering, I saw its beauty and people just almost stepping on it. I lay my hand down it climbing on and i began the dissent to leave the stadium. It was about the size of my palm and beautiful. After some walking I found a tree for it where we returned for Yos to boost me to take out of the stadium blocked area and all the horns. We walked the distance back to the field at the boys school and found the party at the cars. Lots of star spangled banner singing with random Americans who saw the painted faces of those with me. More Ithacans then I knew where there. I love seeing I-towners in other countries I hung with the bug and them until there was talk of an abduction to be talking place. The bug was placed in a tree and I was directed in the way back with caleb to be handed face paint and get ready to head to Joberg and see Ghana!!! And Germany. And train back to my city the next day.Traffic crazy, cars stopped in the middle of the high way, cars on fire, total chaos, two were instructed out of the car to run towards the stadium parking…to many details in general for the night. Stadium incredible! Fifth row back, just behind where all the photographers sit, perfect. Screaming to lose my voice until my second day in Ethiopia. A night of Jolly after meeting new people bouncing to various locations, dancing of course…the next day hours figuring out how to get home with my camera in bag and bottle of whiskey brought from the states so I can give it to a well deserving person in SA and a train ride that I covered the bag with my jacket, as the passengers on the train asked why I was on it and warned me against people. But you don’t need to go to the market if you ride it  everything is sold on there. I arrived safe with a new person to ring for lunch or another round of pool, a hall had been stopped in as we awaited my ride to the office some hours, home to pack and then to Ethiopia.

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